Editors' Blog
Broadly Speaking: Responses to the SOTU
After the State of the Union, Time to Get to Workby Benjamin Todd Jealous, NAACP
State of the Union and the Right-wing Danger
I haven't written for the blog lately because I have been overwhelmed with work – teaching Winter session courses, doing union work here at Rutgers, etc. But I thought I would respond to some developments as President Obama prepares for his State of Union address, which the press is calling...
Health reform benefits that went into effect Jan. 1 2011
Republicans want to repeal the following health reform benefits:
Health reform benefits put in place last year
Republicans want to repeal the following benefits (see DrsforAmerica.org) put in place by the health reform law:
Doctors Say Yes To Health Reform, No To Repeal
Doctors Say Yes To Health Reform, No To RepealThousands of Physicians and Medical Students Show Their Support for Health Reform
Environmental Group Praises Obama Admin. for Vetoing Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Vetoes Proposed West Virginia Mountaintop Removal Mine
Promote Peace in Our Politics
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of Saturday’s shooting in Arizona.
New podcasts: Series on new political situation, attacks on public workers, and how to move forward
Go to http://www.politicalaffairs.net/podcasts/
Most correct position on tax cuts I've read so far
From Americans United for Change:
Congress' Tax Alamo
After watching the debate over the President's tax framework in the House last night on C-SPAN, I have to admit to being somewhat amused.