Tale of the Tape: Robert Ehrlich vs. Vernon Lee Evans
At first glance, it doesn't seem like a fair fight.

The Song of Roland Revisited
In its darkest hours, America has always found illumination in the rhetoric of the Enlightenment and in the reasoned thinking of its Founding Fathers.

Military Policy on Gays is Costly and Dangerous
The military spent over $200 million to recruit and train personnel to replace service members discharged over the last decade for being openly gay.
Human Rights Groups Sue Bush Officials Over Torture Policy
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld bears direct responsibility for the torture and abuse of detainees in U.S. military custody.
Academic Freedom Resolution Passed at the Evergreen State College
Academic freedom, which endows members of the university with the right to hold, express and teach any views they deem fit, and to research and publish their findings without restraint, is widely recognized as essential to the pursuit of knowledge.