Imprisoned Without Charge: Yvon Neptune and Haiti’s Political Prisoners
Around 10 PM on March 10, nearly three weeks after beginning a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment, Yvon Neptune, Haiti’s prime minister under former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was hospitalized after suffering dehydration.
Nobel Prize Winners Support Cuba at the UN
Portuguese writer José Saramago is among more than 200 outstanding world thinkers who have signed a document supporting Cuba at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva.
Louisiana Signs Trade Deal With Cuba
LOUISIANA Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and Pedro Alvarez, director of the Cuban firm Alimport, have signed a $15 million trade deal for agricultural products.
The political challenge of the 21st century: Building a democratic, humanist socialism
In recent months, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has begun to explicitly advocate for socialism, marking a significant development.
US Has No Moral High Ground on Human Rights, Says Cuba
Cuba's foreign minister rejected a recent State Department report criticizing the island's human rights record, charging that Washington has no moral authority to judge other countries.
Venezuela and the Latin American New Left
Will Uruguay's new president adopt a concertación style of government as seen in Chile, a balancing act between populist demands and IMF mandates as in Brazil, or a frontal assault on Washington – at least rhetorically – like Venezuela under Hugo Chávez?
Gladys Marin Presente!
The Communist Party USA received the news of the death of Gladys Marin with great sorrow. All of us, members and leaders, veterans and new activists alike held her in high esteem and will always cherish our memories of her life, her ideas and her work.
Gladys Marin Honored by Cuba
Shocked by the death of Gladys Marin, president of the Chilean Communist Party, Cubans remember today the constant expressions of friendship and solidarity from that outstanding revolutionary with the island.
Chavez Warns Against Further US Intervention
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has reiterated Friday that his nation would cut off oil supplies to the United States if Washington tries to attack his country.
Haiti, a Forgotten Country
Haiti is now by far the poorest country in the Americas. Once it was, as Saint Domingue, the richest of all the colonies.