Equality Index Shows Growing Gap Between Blacks and Whites
In its recently published annual report titled 'The State of Black America' for 2008 and 2009, the National Urban League reported a growing equality gap between African Americans and whites.
A 'Public Option' is the Key to Health Care Reform
The Obama administration made a campaign promise that national health legislation would pass early in his administration. The promise has not been derailed by the Daschle fumble. In fact, the outline of an official proposal just might be put forward within a month.
Women Applaud President's New Council to Promote Equality
Women's equality and health organizations celebrated the creation of a new White House Council on Women and Girls this week. With an executive order, President Obama created the office to prompt 'every government agency' to address 'the challenges confronted by women of all ages,' a White House press statement explained.
World Crisis Slams Mexico
Like every other country on the planet, Mexico is being hit hard by the world financial, banking and economic crisis. As in other relatively poor countries, the impact is shaping up to be especially hard on those who have already lost the most from the neo-liberal policy package of free trade, privatization and austerity.
A Day in the Life of a Social Arsonist
My job is to meet with people across Southern California and figure out what moves them, why they do what they do. There amidst the variations of a kitchen table, lazy couch, or occasional pristine Starbucks, I have found that unfortunately this thing of being moved is contagious.
Global Opinion Favors Gender Equality
Across the world, large majorities of people agree that women should have equal rights and that their governments and international institutions like the United Nations have a role to play in promoting gender equality, a new poll by WorldPublicOpinion.org has found.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) Outlines Immigration Reform Plan
NORCROSS, Ga. – US Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) visited Norcross this weekend, joining about 3,000 concerned individuals and activists at a rally and prayer vigil, to highlight the need for immigration reform that is sensitive to the fact that families with children are being impacted.

Food Sustainability Advocates Promote Economic Growth, Health
About 300 chefs and other food professionals have signed a letter to the Obamas praising their commitment to healthy, sustainable food, a press statement by the Chefs Collaborative, a non-profit culinary organization, announced last week.

Obama's First Budget and the Battle of Ideas
Taking his first bold steps to reverse the Bush administration's budget priorities, President Barack Obama released his administration's initial budget outline last week, which proposes to end Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, create a reserve health care fund, curb growth in military spending and dramatically improve funding for the needs of working families.

The 'Green Cities' Movement
Best described as a loose association of cities focused on sustainability, the emerging “green cities movement” encompasses thousands of urban areas around the world all striving to lessen their environmental impacts by reducing waste, expanding recycling, lowering emissions and increasing housing density.