Venezuela and the Latin American New Left
Will Uruguay's new president adopt a concertación style of government as seen in Chile, a balancing act between populist demands and IMF mandates as in Brazil, or a frontal assault on Washington – at least rhetorically – like Venezuela under Hugo Chávez?
Gladys Marin Presente!
The Communist Party USA received the news of the death of Gladys Marin with great sorrow. All of us, members and leaders, veterans and new activists alike held her in high esteem and will always cherish our memories of her life, her ideas and her work.

Social Security, Minimum Wage, Free Trade: Momentum Builds Against Bush Agenda
A new USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll released Feb. 28, 56 percent of those surveyed disapproved of Bush's Social Security privatization plan.

Election 2006: How to Defeat the Right
While the Bushies and the ultra-right continue to saturate the airwaves and the media with the message of their mandate to rule, a tsunami of opposition has been building up in the consciousness of the American people.

Gladys Marin Honored by Cuba
Shocked by the death of Gladys Marin, president of the Chilean Communist Party, Cubans remember today the constant expressions of friendship and solidarity from that outstanding revolutionary with the island.
Giuliana Sgrena: My truth
I'm still in the dark. Friday was the most dramatic day of my life. I had been in captivity for many days. I had just spoken with my captors. It had been days they were telling me I would be released.

China Asserts One-China Principle and Hopes for Peaceful Reunification
Chinese President Hu Jintao set forth a four-point guideline on cross-Straits relations under the new circumstances, while attending a joint panel discussion of China's top advisory body.
Reparations for the Blues
The blues can rightfully be called the fountainhead of 20th Century pop music, out of which flowed jazz, swing, bop, rock, and – yes – country and western.
Attacks on Iraqi Trade Unionists are Condemned
The international labor movement condemns attacks on Iraq's trade union membership.
An intimate look behind Gelmart's sweatshops
Gelmart Industries, Inc., which is headquartered in New York City and owns Gelmart Industries Philippines, is a company that specializes in manufacturing and distribution of intimate apparel.