
Why Labor Law Doesn't Work for Workers

After months of a media war supporting and condemning it, the Employee Free Choice Act was finally introduced into Congress again this week. The bill has been debated before, but with a larger Democratic majority, its chances of passage are much greater today, and President Obama has said he'll sign it.

A Day in the Life of a Social Arsonist

My job is to meet with people across Southern California and figure out what moves them, why they do what they do. There amidst the variations of a kitchen table, lazy couch, or occasional pristine Starbucks, I have found that unfortunately this thing of being moved is contagious.


Employee Free Choice Act Promotes Democracy

The Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would remove harsh barriers to joining labor unions, was introduced in Congress, Tuesday March 10th. Supporters of the bill say there are two simple but vital reasons for passing the bill into law: improve democratic rights and boost the economy.

Employee Free Choice Act Preserves Secret Ballot, Supporters Say

Contrary to an expensive ad campaign by corporate lobbyists, US labor law already allows for either a card check or secret ballot process to decide on unionization, Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union, told MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show.

AFL-CIO Calls On California Supreme Court to Invalidate Proposition 8

Miami, Florida – As the AFL-CIO Executive Council gathers in Miami this week, the Executive Council has spoken up again for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers by passing a resolution, in unanimity, calling on the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8.

Australia: Greed Upon Greed as Jobs Slashed

The manufacturing industry in Australia and the jobs of thousands of more workers suffered another blow last week when Pacific Brands announcement that it was shutting shop in Australia.


Obama's First Budget and the Battle of Ideas

Taking his first bold steps to reverse the Bush administration's budget priorities, President Barack Obama released his administration's initial budget outline last week, which proposes to end Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, create a reserve health care fund, curb growth in military spending and dramatically improve funding for the needs of working families.

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