3-19-09, 10:21 am
Venezuelans more Satisfied with Life, According to Inter-American Development Bank
Original source:
Mérida, March 18, 2009 (venezuelanalysis.com)-- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) carried out a study between November 2005 and December 2007 with 40,000 people to determine what economic and social factors most affect individual perceptions about their lives and their countries.
According to the study, satisfaction with life is higher in Latin America than in Europe and Asia, and Venezuelans were found to be amongst the most satisfied, and were described as “optimisitic.”
Venezuela occupied first place for overall satisfaction, in South America, and fourth place in Latin America, behind Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico. Haiti was the least satisfied overall.
Specifically, regarding satisfaction with education, Venezuela came in second in Latin America, with 84 percent.
Venezuela came in third with employment satisfaction, on 90.8 percent, after Costa Rica and Guatemala.
It came in fourth for satisfaction with housing, with 86 percent and third for health satisfaction at 72.8 percent.