May 1: The Power To Stop The System
WE HAVEN'T seen anything as odious and hateful as the Sensenbrenner legislation since the Fugitive Slave Act of 1857. People should look it up--another law that asked citizens to participate in the persecution of others and the returning of escaped slaves to their former masters.
Bush administration wounded, yet more dangerous
Everybody seems to agree that the Bush administration has lost much of its political support. No longer does it speak with the same authority.
Georgia Insurance Commissioner Oxendine Accused of Cab Scam
Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine is being accused of taking improper actions which benefitted his cab industry campaign contributors, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.
Open Borders
Here’s a two-word proposal for solving the immigration crisis in the USA: open borders. Before you mouse-click me into oblivion or crumple up your newspaper in disgust, hear me out.
California Becomes Second State to Introduce Bush Impeachment
Joining Illinois, California has become the second state in which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state legislature. And this one includes Cheney as well.

CPUSA: Change Congress 2006!—Report to the National Committee
A powerful movement for peace, for civil rights, for social justice is unfolding, with the primary task of Changing Congress in 2006... The question is, can the fear factor smokescreen associated with the war on terrorism create a thick enough cover to maintain the corrupt Republican majority in the U.S. House and Senate?

Georgia at a Crossroads, State Rep. Nan Orrock Says
“Georgia is at a critical point, at a crossroads. We can go one of two ways. We can reverse the progress we made, that is a distinct possibility,” Georgia State Rep. Nan Orrock (D), 62. 'Or we can create a new progressive future.'

Rumsfeld may be 'Criminally Liable' for Torture
Just as President Bush announced full support for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the face of a 'revolt of the generals' who have criticized Rumsfeld for faulty leadership of the war in Iraq, documents linking Rumsfeld directly to the abuse of prisoners at the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba were revealed in the US media.

Election 2006: The Stakes Are Very High
Last fall, I noted that the cumulative weight of an increasingly unpopular war, Katrina, indictments, incompetence, corruption, scandals, cronyism, and deeply felt anxiety with energy costs and the economy had taken its toll on the standing of the Bush administration.

Women Rally for Choice at Georgia Capitol
800 women and women’s advocates marched on and around the Georgia Capitol today at a rally sponsored by Georgia for Choice.