It is a day of reckoning for Nepal's monarchy. A revolution is taking place there, steadily and resolutely. The pro-democracy movement of Nepalese people has turned into an anti-monarchy upsurge.
Nepal: People Continue To Defy Threats
US imperialists have lost hope of Gyanendra’s survival --- of their safest bet in the country over the last five years.

Nepal: Sea of humanity in district protests
More than hundred thousand people marched in the streets of Pokhara in Kaski, Narayangadh in Chitwan and Ghorahi in Dang district on Thursday demanding immediate restoration of Loktantra and end of autocratic monarchy.
Nepal: Hundreds of thousands defy curfew in capital
The police fired at the protestors defying curfew in Kalanki killing at least three and injuring dozens. The Armed Police Force (APF) personnel fired live and rubber bullets on the mass of about 35,000.
NEPAL: Rights groups urge sanctions on king
Nepal’s biggest suppliers of military assistance - India, the United States and the United Kingdom - have already suspended their military assistance to Nepal.

Nepal: Seven Party Alliance Announces Demands
A meeting of the top leaders of the seven political parties was held today in the afternoon in Kathmandu. The decisions of the meeting were publicized in the following communiqué...
India: Millions vote peacefully in Left citadel West Bengal
Around 65 percent of 6.8 million electorate voted Monday in three districts of West Bengal to mark the start of staggered assembly elections the ruling Left Front hopes to win for a record seventh term.
Nepal: Royalty On Its Way Out
Nepalese people have begun to remove the signs and demolish the symbols that remind one of a monarchy’s existence. The slogan “Burn the Crown” has caught the public imagination from one part of this Himalayan nation to another.

India: Elections in West Bengal
THE elections to West Bengal state assembly, this time, is receiving unprecedented level of attention not only inside the country, but even internationally.

Nepal: Resistance to Royalist Repression Continues
Thousands of people demonstrated in many towns across the country over the past six days. Throughout the weekend, pro-democracy demonstrators met with massive brutality by police forces with batons and clubs, rubber bullets and tear gas.