Coachella Valley Labor Camps


4-21-06, 8:42 am

Many farm workers in the Coachella Valley live in house trailers in labor camps, like Concepcion Lopez and her son Jaime Sebastian. The owner of the camp where she has her trailer has failed to provide electricity and basic services, and she had to buy a generator to provide power to her trailer. Campo Polanco is another farm labor camp in the desert, ironically named for State Senator Richard Polanco, who authored legislation changing the requirements for farm labor camp operators. Pedro Gonzales and his wife Dorotea live in Duros, one of two huge trailer parks on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservations. In both the Duros and Chicanitas camps, many residents are indigenous Purepecha migrants from the Mexican state of Michoacan. Gonzales is a leader of the Purepecha community in the Coachella Valley.

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