Join Us in New York on April 29th: March for Peace, Justice and Democracy


End the war in Iraq -- Bring all our troops home now!


Unite for change -- let's turn our country around!

The times are urgent and we must act.

Too much is too wrong in this country. We have a foreign policy that is foreign to our core values, and domestic policies wreaking havoc at home. It's time for a change.

No more never-ending oil wars!

Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights. End illegal spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.

Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.

Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction of our environment.

Our message to the White House and to Congress is clear: Either stand with us or stand aside!

We are coming together to march, to vote, to speak out and to turn our country around!

For details and information Click Here