
Zimbabwe: Fees hike likely to force more children out of school

According to the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe, an average family of five requires at least $350 every month for essential food and services, but average monthly incomes are often less than $100.


Imminent Decline of Empire?

The miscalculated policies of the US administration in the Middle East are quickly depleting the country’s ability to sustain its once unchallenged global position.


Nuclear Chicken and the 'Madman' Theory

A few months ago, I predicted that there would be no U.S. military strikes on Iran. While the Bush administration would desperately love to, given the balance of forces it is almost certain to be a strategic disaster.


Populist leftist Humala wins Peru’s first round

Ollanta Humala, a former army commander whose nationalist campaign has polarized Peruvians, held a narrow lead in Peru's presidential election on Sunday, initial official results showed.


Australia: Howard Government attacks West Papuan independence

Showing its true colours, the Howard Government has offered to help Indonesia prevent refugees fleeing West Papua. Recently 42 West Papuan separatists reached the Northern Territory by boat.

Katrina Evacuees Try to Keep Right to Vote

A state Senate committee rejected a bill that would create satellite polling places in other states with Katrina evacuees.

The Right Question About the President's Involvement in the CIA Leak Affair

Such a misuse of authority is the very essence of a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States. It is also precisely the abuse of executive power that led to the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon.

America’s 'Noble' Cause: Preserving its Right to Murder, Exploit,Torture, and Impoverish

Inalienable Rights of Select Citizens of the American Empire: 1.) We have the right to pre-emptively attack the nation or region of our choice simply based on our belief that they may be a threat to the Empire. No evidence necessary...


Join Us in New York on April 29th: March for Peace, Justice and Democracy

Unite for change -- let's turn our country around! The times are urgent and we must act.


Drug Leniency for the Privileged: Draconian Sentences for Blacks and Latinos

This follows another high profile case where Caroline Quartararo, a former spokeswoman on Rockefeller drug law reform for Governor Pataki received a similar minor sentence after being arrested with crack cocaine.

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