

We don't say that publicly, but honesty isn't a trait this country is noted for. Neither is honor, integrity or practicing the high principles we espouse.


Women Rally for Choice at Georgia Capitol

800 women and women’s advocates marched on and around the Georgia Capitol today at a rally sponsored by Georgia for Choice.


No New Nemesis? No New Nukes

India has detonated nuclear bombs in the past and hasn't signed on to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Yet, Condoleeza Rice said yesterday that India differs from Iran because the U.S. had asked India to 'adhere to many of the important elements of the guidelines that are making up the nonproliferation regime.'


Abstinence Fails as Anti-AIDS policy, Activists Say

Current Bush administration policy on the global fight against AIDS is failing, a new study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows.


India and the US National Security Strategy

US president George W Bush released the latest US National Security Strategy in Washington on March 17, 2006. The NSS is the definitive US strategic policy document which, by law, is supposed to be announced annually but has now been released after a gap of four years.


Nepal: General Strike Against Repressive Regime Continues

The regressive royal regime has barbarously been mounting its repression on the peaceful demonstrators belonging to the seven-party alliance (SPA).

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